


  1. Linux Command Line Full course: Beginners to Experts. Bash Command Line Tutorials
  2. Operating System by VauLSMorg
  3. How to Install VirtualBox on Mac
  4. Cyber Security in 7 minutes
  5. C languange course
  6. Bash Scripting in 20 minutes


  1. Fuse Linux Tutorial in Bahasa
  2. Linux file system explained


  1. Main Memory Part 1
  2. Main Memory Part 2
  3. Main Memory Part 3
  4. Fun interesting crash course about OS
  5. Linux Tutorial for Beginners: Introduction to Linux Operating System


  1. Virtual Memory Basics
  2. Understanding “top” command on Linux
  3. [15 Useful Linux Commands Every Linux User Needs Learning Terminal Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK81cfvrElg)
  4. [11 More Linux Commands Every Linux User Needs Learning Terminal Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVlkgiwiY6w)


  1. Processes and threads - Gary explains


  1. Process Synchronization


  1. Complete Guide to Linux From Scratch - eduCBA
    The concept of Linux From Scratch is an installation in Linux which will install a full-fledged Linux system by building all the components of the Linux system manually. As we can purely understand that the making of Linux from scratch is a much longer process than actually install a Linux distribution in the system, but with this it brings the customization that might be required for the Linux which gets installed. The flexible, compact and secure system will be as per the requirement of the user and no extra components would be present and will also enable user or developer to learn how Linux systems work internally. With this, in this article, we will see the procedure to install and how this component works in general in a development environment.

2.LFS 10.1 Chapter 5 - Compiling a Cross Toolchain
Build your own Linux operating system from source files using the Linux From Scratch book.